Thursday, May 27, 2010


• What kind of information is being posted by the library accounts above? What kind of information should libraries post?
The posts are about programs happening at the branches which is a good use of this media. The posts for Fish Creek are short and posted regularly-sometimes several per day. One branch is only twittering once a month which is not really often enough to hold interest of the 'twitter mindset'.
Do you see any practical applications for LibraryThing either at home or at work? Will you start using this site?
I will recommend this site to customers that are avid readers and to those customers that are looking for book recomendations. The Early Reviewers part was interesting-actually a good way to check for new books with a brief summary. I would like to know how they decide who to send the 'free copies' to for reviewing. I do not think I would use this sight as intended at this time as it would take up agreat deal of time-I am curious how long it took Bluetyson to read/review 35,000 books!

Thursday, May 13, 2010

Google Calendar

Do you see free online tools like these eventually replacing expensive software like MS Office?
I think most companies would stick with MS Office for the sake of uniformity and for more complete control of company information-in the event an employee left a company, he/she might not 'close the account'.

Monday, May 10, 2010


Comment on the quality, entertainment value, or usefulness of the content on these sites.
Wow I thought reality TV was bad! Youtube just opens it up to everyone and anyone. I think a person could waste a great deal of time watching video clips on this site. As far as FLICKR goes it seems useful and offers a large number of options to manage/share photograhs. If the site is used a great deal and 'slow' that would be a drawback.